
American Legion Post 642 (Stevens Creek) Cupertino, California


Commanders Corner

Greetings and welcome to this page. This is my chance to say a few words about our Post and the various activities.


November 2024

I wanted to point out that I am busy working on having speakers from outside the American Legion to attend our meeting and speak to our Post members and guests about topics that are Veteran or community related. Please let me know if there a topic that you would like to hear about, or you have a speaker in mind that you would like to have speak to our group. In the next several weeks I will post on our site under the Speakers Bureau tab the various groups and speakers and what date(s) they will be at our meeting, so you can plan in advance and attend. Bring your friend and neighbors too, so they can enjoy our Social hour before the meeting and the speaker(s) at the meeting.

This Post is your Post and I ask each of the members to let us know what activities you would like us to participate in and what outings you would like to see the Post set up and sponsor in the future.  

As always please continue to recruit so that we can bring in new members to our Post and those of you interested in joining please reach out to me and I can answer any questions you may have and or assist you in joining the American Legion and our Post.  Just a reminder that for student Veterans, the first year memberhip is free (paid for by our Post).

Duty First!
